Indian Springs Baptist Church

Club Handbook





Little Lambs












Indian Springs Baptist Church

325 Hill Road, Kingsport, TN 37664



Published July 2005











































Indian Springs Baptist Church





*      Welcome to Awana Club........................................................... 4

*      About Awana.............................................................................. 5

*      Awana Club Times & Locations................................................ 5

*      Little Lambs Information............................................................ 6

*      Cubbies Information................................................................... 7

*      Sparks Information..................................................................... 8

*      T&T Club Information................................................................. 9

*      Information / Registration......................................................... 10

*      Parental Responsibility............................................................ 10

*      Security.................................................................................... 10

*      What to Bring to Awana........................................................... 11

*      Dress Code............................................................................. 12

*      Wellness Policy....................................................................... 12

*      Costs....................................................................................... 13

*      Discipline................................................................................. 14

*      Team Points/Achievement Awards......................................... 16

*      Awana Store............................................................................ 19

*      Attendance............................................................................... 19

*      Awana Calendar 2005-2006.................................................... 20

*      Adopt-a-Club............................................................................ 22

*      Special Awana Events............................................................. 22

*      About Indian Springs Baptist Church....................................... 25

*      Contact Information................................................................. 27


Most of the items in this handbook are applicable to all Awana clubs held at Indian Springs Baptist Church. Some items pertain to particular clubs. These sections are noted as to which clubs they are applicable.

Welcome To Awana!

We want to thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve with you in the spiritual development of your child.  It is our commitment to lead your children by example to a Godly lifestyle.  We believe that children are a vital part of the church of today and of the future. 

This handbook is designed to give you all the information that you need for this year of Awana.  If you have additional questions after reviewing this material, please contact me or one of our Directors or Leaders. 

Awana is a non-denominational youth ministry with a solid gospel message.  Weekly Awana clubs all function basically the same way.  A 90-minute club session features three segments:  Game Time – where boys and girls play games on the Awana Game Circle; Handbook Time – where children work through age-appropriate handbooks memorizing Bible verses and doing activities ranging from patriotism to community service, and earning awards based on the work they complete; and Council Time – which is Bible stories and lessons based on Christian principles.  Individual awards, as well as team awards, are earned each week. 

We wish to encourage your children to draw closer to the Lord through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, scripture memorization, and Godly relationships with other people. 

If we can minister to your family in any way, please let us know.  We desire to show each of you that having a relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ is the most exciting and important thing any of us can ever have. 

May God bless you and your family. 

Commander Paul Vowell
423-288-4958 (home)

Awana is an acronym for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed and is based on 2Timothy 2:15 which says, “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” 

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and [even] when he is old, he will not depart from it."  (Proverbs 22:6).

The purpose of the Awana ministry is to reach boys and girls with the gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him.  The Awana ministry at Indian Springs Baptist works in unison with the other Children’s ministries at Indian Springs to help your child learn about Jesus and to grow in Him. 


To that end, you will see that your child can earn rewards by being active in other children’s ministries.  This can also help them achieve in Awana by assisting them in passing some of the sections and activities in their handbook. 


Our Awana program is about quality not quantity.  It is great to see that many of the children are capable of reciting numerous sections in one sitting.  However, we suggest that clubbers limit the number of sections they recite in a single evening so they may study the meanings of the verses they have studied.  If you have specific questions concerning Awana, please feel free to contact your child’s director, handbook leader, or the Awana commander.


Your child will earn Extra points after you read this handbook and complete the tiny, little, shortest quiz at the end!  J


Awana was founded in 1950 by Art Rorheim.  At the time of this printing, there are 9200 clubs in the United States involving 900,000 children and 175,000 adult leaders.  Awana is in 39 denominations.  There are Awana clubs in 115 countries. 




The Awana Ministry at Indian Springs Baptist Church is held on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm.  Each clubber should be signed in upon arrival at club.  Because we start on time, we encourage you to be prompt. 


Our Little Lambs meet in the Nursery area of the East Campus/New Building. 


Cubbies meet in the West Campus, lower level near the library. 


The other clubs meet in the CLC (Christian Life Center/Gym) which will be open for children to arrive at 6:15 pm with Awana leadership present.  Please remind your children that they must stay inside the building in the gym floor area once you drop them off.  Please do not drop your children off unattended before that time.  If you must bring your child earlier than 6:15 pm, please make arrangements with the Director of your club. 


We discourage early pick-up because several clubs have their council message or handbook at the latter part of the evening.  We understand that there may be times when this is necessary, but we would appreciate knowing this in advance as much as possible. 




The Awana Ministry at Indian Springs Baptist Church has the following clubs and all the handbook materials are firmly grounded in Scripture featuring basic truths about God, Jesus Christ, salvation, and the Bible.  Your child is encouraged to complete one handbook per year, this is very “do-able”, and we have a “Pacer” schedule available so you can know where your child should be through the club year.  See your director for this information. 


Awana Little Lambs** – 2 & 3 year olds

Must have their 2nd birthday on or before September 1st to participate in Little Lambs.

Director – Merrie-Robin McReynolds


Little Lambs Nightly Schedule:

6:30 – 7:30 – Sign-in at the Nursery Area of the new Sanctuary Building

7:30 – Lambs program is one hour only and when the lessons are complete, children are automatically entered into the Nursery Program.  Please be prompt in picking up your children. 


**Awana Little Lambs is not an official Awana club.


Cubbies – 3 & 4 year olds

Must have their 3rd birthday on or before September 1st to participate in Cubbies. 

Director – Brandy Kisner


Cubbies Nightly Schedule:

Parents – Please take your child to the potty BEFORE signing in at Club time.  Thank you for your help in this area.  If you arrive after 6:30, you will go to a separate area until Session 1 begins. 

6:20-6:30 – Sign-In after Potty & Music Time

6:30-6:40 – Opening Assembly & Puppet Show (6:30pm Sharp)

Break into 3 groups

6:40 - 7:00 – Session One

Group #1 – Craft

Group #2 – Story

Group #3 – Games

7:00-7:20 – Session Two

Group #1 – Story
Group #2 – Games

Group #3 – Craft

7:20-7:40 – Session Three

Group #1 – Games

Group #2 – Craft

Group #3 – Story

7:40- 8:00 – Handbook Groups

*Parents should pick up their Cubbies promptly at the end of club.


Cubbies feature 2 handbooks that include 24 Bear Hug sections; 2 extra-credit handbooks with up to 120 additional verses are also available.  All 55 memory verses are at an age-appropriate level.  Cubbies work together as a group through the handbooks – one book per year. 



Sparks – Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Director – Rich Blanton


Sparks Nightly Schedule:

6:30 – Opening Flag Ceremony (6:30pm Sharp)

Break into 2 groups

6:40 - 7:00 – Session One

Sparks – Kindergarten - Game Time, Upstairs Assembly Room

Sparks – Grades 1 & 2 – Game Time, CLC

7:00 - 7:30 – Session Two

Sparks – Kindergarten – Handbook Time, Upstairs Classrooms

Sparks – Grades 1 & 2 - Council Time, Upstairs Assembly Room

7:30 – 8:00 – Session Three

Sparks – Kindergarten - Council Time, Upstairs Assembly Room

Sparks – Grades 1 & 2 – Handbook Time, Upstairs Classrooms

*Parents should come upstairs to pick up their Sparks promptly at the end of club.


Sparks have 3 handbooks:  Skipper, Hiker, and Climber.  To earn the Sparky Award a clubber must complete all 3 handbooks. 


To complete the Sparks Handbook in one year, this is a suggested guide:




End of 1st Quarter

End of 2nd Quarter

End of 3rd Quarter


Red Jewel 2

Section 1

Red Jewel 3

Section 6

Red Jewel 4

Section 6


Red Jewel 2

Section 1

Red Jewel 3

Section 8

Green Jewel 1

Section 1


Red Jewel 2

Section 1

Red Jewel 3

Section 5

Green Jewel 2

Section 2


Truth & Training (T&T) –3rd - 6th Grade

Girls Director – Stacy Greene

Boys Director – Chip Millican


T&T Nightly Schedule:

6:30 - 6:40 – Opening Flag Ceremony (6:30pm Sharp)

6:40 - 7:05 – Session One

Girls T&T – Council Time, Council Room, C315

Boys T&T – Handbook Time, Various Classrooms

7:05 - 7:30 – Session Two

Girls T&T – Handbook Time, Various Classrooms

Boys T&T – Game Time, CLC

7:30 - 7:55 – Session Three

Girls T&T – Game Time, CLC

Boys T&T – Council Time, Council Room, C315

8:00 – Dismiss  (Please remember that we have club until 8:00 so early pick-up is discouraged.  If you have circumstances that require otherwise, please let your director know at the beginning of club night so we can plan accordingly.  Thanks!)  

*Parents should pick up clubbers promptly from the CLC.


The T&T program reflects the passion of Awana to teach these clubbers the TRUTH of God’s Word and to TRAIN them to follow Christ in their daily lives.  There are 4 handbooks of increasing difficulty.  Upon completion of T&T, a child will have learned and reviewed 310 verses, regularly heard and read the gospel message, and completed missions projects. 


T&T Handbooks can be easily completed in one year by saying approximately two sections per night.  What follows is a suggested guide: 


T&T Pacers Schedule: 




End of 1st Quarter

End of 2nd Quarter

End of 3rd Quarter

Book 1

+ Start Zone

Discovery 2

Section 2

Discovery 4

Section 4

Discovery 6

Section 6

Book 2

Discovery 2

Section 7

Discovery 4

Section 7

Discovery 6

Section 7

Book 3 &

Book 4

Challenge 2

Section 7

Challenge 4

Section 7

Challenge 6

Section 7


The Awana program continues on with material through 12th grade although Indian Springs Baptist Church does not conduct the Awana program past the 6th grade.  Any youth who is interested in proceeding with the materials in order to pursue their Citation Award and explore Scholarship possibilities may contact our Commander or Secretary for more information. 




All children who participate in the Awana ministry at Indian Springs Baptist Church MUST have a completed Information Form and Medical Release on file with the Awana office. 




Parents are a vital part of our Awana program.  We respectfully request that parents spend time each week with their children, helping him or her to study their Awana handbook.  That is because each week in Awana, the children will be asked to recite their memory verses that they have studied with you the previous week. 


We also have volunteer opportunities for parents.  Parents can sign up with the Director of each club for volunteer positions like:  Publicity for Kick-Off event, Cubbie Snacks, Cubbie helpers, Sparks helpers, T&T Listeners, Game Time Scorekeeper, Store set-up, Store worker, Store break-down, Awana Grand Prix set-up, Grand Prix break-down, certain Special events during the year, some Theme nights. 


Some weeks, we will have a copy of our “Kids Connection” newspaper, which will be available at Check-in.  This newsletter is one way we can communicate with parents.  We also have a Parent Email list and we list events in our church bulletin and newsletter.  If you are not a member of our church, we can make these items available to you if you let our Secretary know.  We want you to keep up with current events in Awana so please be aware of these communications.




We are concerned about the safety of your children. Awana Club begins at 6:30.  Please do not drop your children off unattended.  We will have leaders available to check your child in at 6:15.  If you need to leave club early for any reason, please notify your child’s leader when you drop them off.  We must insist that the Spark and T&T clubbers remain in the GYM only prior to the start of Awana Club. 

Awana Little Lambs

Parents of Little Lambs MUST sign their children in when arriving at the Nursery area.  Children must be picked up by their parent at the conclusion of the evening in the Nursery Wing.



Parents of children in Cubbies MUST sign their children in when arriving in their designated areas.  Children in Cubbies MUST be picked up by their parent at the conclusion of the evening in Cubbie Land. 



Parents of children in Sparks MUST sign their children in when arriving in their designated areas.  Sparks MUST be picked up by their parent at the conclusion of the evening by going upstairs into Sparks Meadow. 


T&T Club

All T&T clubbers must check in at the registration table at the beginning of the Awana night.  Once the clubber has checked in, they must remain in the CLC (Christian Life Center) with their Awana class until it is time to go to their classroom.  Clubbers should sit on the Color Lines in the Gym and are not allowed into other areas of the CLC or property.  At the end of the Awana night, T&T children are to meet their parents in the gym. 




Your child should wear their designated uniform and comfortable shoes for running and playing (tennis shoes are suggested), Awana Handbook, weekly Dues, and Adopt-a-Club offering.  Sparks and T&T clubs should bring their Bibles.  Adopt-a-Club offerings will be collected at various times of the year and clubbers can bring them anytime. 


Your child should not bring other items with them.  If your child does bring something which does not pertain to Awana with them and a leader sees it, your child will be asked to put it away and keep it out of sight.  If a leader sees the item again, the leader will confiscate the item until the end of the Awana club night. 


There will be some nights where a special theme is being used and your child will be asked to bring a certain item(s).  When this is the case, your child will bring information home with them that will have basic information about what they should bring. 


Children and youth attending Awana should wear comfortable clothing and “tennis” shoes in order to participate in the activities held on a typical evening.  Some of our activities may be difficult to participate in while wearing skirts, heels, flip-flops, sandals, dress shoes, etc. 


All clubbers must be in proper uniform to receive their awards each night.  3rd – 6th Grade Girls and Boys are to have their uniform shirts buttoned and boys should have their shirts tucked in to their pants. 


Special note about uniforms – Clubbers are required to wear uniforms each night.  This is to promote club unity within the club and provide an atmosphere of discipline.  Special theme nights may allow other dress options. 




As we all know, sickness can keep going around with children, affecting not only the other children in your child’s Awana club, but your family and other families as the illness goes “back and forth” between the children.  Here is our established health policy for the Awana ministry. 


Children should not attend Awana if they have any of the following symptoms: 

*       Fever – 100 degrees or higher within the last 24-hours

*       Vomiting within the last 24 hours

*       Diarrhea within the last 24 hours

*       Runny nose if accompanied by other symptoms and/or colored discharge

*       Bad Cough (cold or illness related) – coughing increases the chance of infection being spread to others

*       Any rash that is suspected to be contagious

*       If your child is prescribed an antibiotic, they must have been on the antibiotic for a minimum of 24 hours prior to attending Awana


If your child shows symptoms of being sick or happens to be injured during the club night, we will contact you as soon as possible.


*If there is any situation that needs to be addressed, we will contact a Parent or Guardian. This is why we need to have information about your location during the club night. 



The Awana ministry does it’s best to keep costs to a minimum, however there are a few costs associated when your child participates in Awana as outlined below. 


A note about dues.  We ask that all of our clubbers bring $0.25 for dues each week.  This money is used to pay for the awards that we give to our clubbers each week. It is an important part of our Awana Club and we appreciate your willingness to contribute to your awards in this manner.  If you choose, you may pay your dues for an entire year at one time – this is only $8.25. 


You will receive an “order form” with pricing for uniforms and handbooks as your child completes the requirements to “officially” become a part of the Awana club. 


New this year - you may PREPAY for these items so that your child can get their handbook and uniforms immediately upon completion of their entry booklet.  The kids are so excited when they reach this milestone; we want to help them get their supplies as quickly as possible.  (Helpful hint about iron-on patches:  Boy Scouts have a product called Badge Magic that is cut to the size of the patch, it then sticks onto the patch, and you throw it in the dryer for 10-15 minutes.  It’s washable and holds well.  If you need it off the uniform, you can spray WD-40 on the back, peel it off, and then wash the uniform.) 


ALL Awards are given free the first time.


Awana Little Lambs (2 – 3 year olds)

There are no costs involved in this program. 


Cubbies  (2 years prior to Kindergarten)

Bear Hug Brochure Book – FREE – Replacement - $0.25

Handbook - $7.00 / Uniform Vest - $7.50

Dues - $0.25/week

Cubbie Canvas Handbook Bag - $6.00 (not required)

Awards: FREE – Replacement of awards:  Trail patches $1.50 each; Attendance, Character Builders, Achievement emblems, $0.65 each


Sparks (Kindergarten – 2nd Grade)

Gate Book – FREE – Replacement – $0.25

Handbook – $6.50 / Uniform Vest - $10.00 (Replacement is the same cost.) 

Dues - $0.25/week

Sparks Canvas Handbook Bag - $5.00 (not required)

Awards:  FREE – Replacement of awards:  Achievement crowns $1.50 each; Rank emblems $1.50 each; Sunday School attendance emblem $0.50 each; Sparks Review emblems $1.25 each


Truth & Training (3rd – 6th Grade)

Start Zone Book – FREE – Replacement - $0.25

Handbook - $7.00 / Uniform (Girls - $18.00; Boys - $20.00)

Dues – $0.25/week

Awards: FREE – Replacement of awards:  T&T Award Badge $2.00 each; Handbook Review pins $2.00 each; T&T Completion Patches $0.75 each


**Please do not let finances stand in the way of your child participating in Awana.  If there is a financial need, please let your child’s Awana leader, or the Awana Commander, know and we will work with you so your child may continue to participate in our Awana ministry. 


Adopt-a-Club Offering – We collect an Adopt-a-Club offering which is used to help sponsor the Awana program in other countries.  You can learn more about Adopt-a-Club in the Adopt-a-Club segment of this handbook. 




Discipline is related to the word disciple.  These terms imply a leader-follower relationship.  Jesus said in Matthew 10:24, “The disciple is not above his master. . .”  First Timothy 4:7 says, “exercise [discipline] thyself . . . unto godliness.” 


Discipline involves standards, boundaries, consequences and love.  The goal of discipline is to encourage proper behavior and develop the individual. 


Awana uses two different count systems as its primary discipline action, one for an individual and one for the group. 


The “5-Count” is used to bring the group to order.  As the leader counts to “5”, the children should become quiet and still. 

The “3-Count” is for an individual.  The child is given a “one” the first time they exhibit inappropriate action and their action is discussed so they understand how their behavior is inappropriate in the specific club setting.  If the child continues to be disruptive to the activity, then they receive a “two”.  The child now sits down with the Awana Commander to discuss their behavior.  If the child still continues to be disruptive, they receive a “three”.  When the child receives a “three”, they are taken to their parents for the rest of the evening.  The leader will discuss with the parent the reason for this action. 


** Cubbies use a pompom “reward” system which is similar to a 3-count.


The Awana leaders realize that there are many family situations that may affect a child’s behavior.  We encourage you to let your child’s Awana leader know if there is any situation that may help us in ministering to your child.  This helps the Awana leader to potentially minister to the child as opposed to just viewing a situation or action as a discipline problem. 


Awana has only a few guidelines:


1.       Please check in at the registration area for your club & stay in your designated area with your club at all times. 

2.       Treat your Leaders with respect. 

3.       Treat Others as you want to be treated. 

4.       Respect Church property and the property of others. 

5.       Walk at all times unless instructed otherwise during Game Time. 

We want to HAVE FUN with your children!  We maintain these simple guidelines to ensure safety and order within our club environment. 



Each child is assigned to a “color” team (red, blue, green or yellow).  Each clubber earns points for their team by the following each night: 

Attendance - 10 points

Being on time to club - 5 points

Bringing their Bible - 10 points

Bringing their Awana Handbook - 10 points

Bringing weekly dues ($0.25) - 10 points

Wearing their complete uniform properly - 10

Attending Sunday School the previous Sunday (can be at any church) - 5 points

Attending Children’s Choir the previous Sunday - 10 points

Bringing a friend - 50 points

For Each Handbook Section Completed - 25 points

Game-Time Performance/Participation - Points given at discretion of game leader

Parent reading this handbook & answering quiz - 100 points


Awana Achievement Awards

These awards are a trophy or plaque and accompanying pin to be worn on your uniform. 


Sparky Award – Clubbers must complete three handbooks which involves reciting 165 verses and completing 37 activities on missions, witnessing, patriotism, prayer, and creation. 
















Excellence Award – Clubbers who are 4th grade or higher must have completed 2 handbooks which requires them to memorize 185 verses, read 16 scripture passages, attend club 60 times and complete 8 activities on missions.
















Timothy Award – Clubbers who are 6th grade or higher will earn this award when they have completed a total of 4 3rd-grade through 6th-grade handbooks for a total of 4 Awana handbooks.




















Meritorious Award – Clubbers in 8th grade or higher must complete an additional two handbooks to earn this award for a total of 6 Awana handbooks – 6 years of Awana memory work.















Citation Award – This prestigious award is the highest honor that can be earned in the Awana program after completing an additional 4 handbooks for a total of 10 Awana handbooks and the recipient must be in Grade 12 or older. These awards can also be earned by Awana leadership.














The ISBC Awana program does not continue past the 6th grade because of our very active youth group.  Meritorious and Citation Awards can still be earned if your child wants to work ahead or work during the summer.  They can also complete a handbook during the years on their own time.  Sections must be recited to the person approved by the Awana Commander.  There are some scholarship opportunities for students who have completed the Citation Award. 


Children can earn points each club night in various ways.  Extra points may be earned by participating in theme night activities, or with contests or excellent behavior at other nights during the year.  These points can be used in the Awana Store to “purchase” various items.  Each week, your child can see how their points are accumulating and we will track them.  On Store Night, your child will be allowed to use their points to make their purchases. 


The Awana Store will be opened for a minimum of two nights during the Awana Club year.  Around Christmas time, we will have some items available for clubbers to “Christmas Shop” for their family members.  Using their points to shop for others will teach them about generosity and unselfishness.  *If you would like to offer donations to help stock our Awana store, we welcome your new or “gently used” toys and gift items.  Items should be brought to the Awana office. 




There are four attendance periods for Awana.  Awards will be given to children that do not have more than two unexcused absences during a single attendance period. 


For 2005-2006 year: 


1st period - August 10, 17, 24, 31, September 7, 14, 21, 28

*No club October 5 (Teacher Conference Day)

2nd period - October 12, 19, 26, November 2, 9, 16, 30, December 7

*No club November 23 (Thanksgiving break)

3rd period - December 14, January 4, 11, 18, 25, February 1, 8, 15

*No club December 21 & 28 (Christmas break) 

4th period - February 22, March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, April 4, 12, 19, 26

*No club March 29 (Spring Break)


There are two attendance periods for Sunday school.  Awards will be given to children that do not have more than two unexcused absences during a single attendance period.  They are not required to attend Sunday School at Indian Springs, but should bring an appropriate note from their Sunday School Teacher. 


Bad Weather Policy – Whenever Sullivan County schools are cancelled for inclement weather, our Awana club will not meet.  ISBC has a weather hotline for updates during the winter season.  You may call 423‑844‑1903. 



We follow the Sullivan Co. School Schedule – if they cancel school for some reason (such as bad weather) during the day, we will not meet. 



8/10 - Awana KickOff/Registration Night

8/17 -

8/24 - Backwards/Inside-Out Night

8/31 -


September - Adopt-a-Club Month!

~Help your clubber earn $5 to fill his Adopt-a-Club card~

9/7 -

9/14 - Black-Out Night – bring your flashlights!

9/21 -

9/28 - Ice Cream Reward for Adopt-a-Club participants



10/5 - No Club (teacher conference day)

10/12 -

10/19 - Team Color Night

10/26 -

*Fall Festival at ISBC this weekend ~ You’re invited to join us!


November - Focus on Gratitude

11/2 - Bring canned goods for Community Center every night this month

11/9 - Great Shake Up

11/16 -

11/23 - No Club - Happy Thanksgiving!

11/30 -


December - Post Office ALL Month!!

12/7 -

12/14 - Jesus’ Birthday Party*

12/21 - No Club - Have a Great Christmas!

12/28 - No Club


*Possible Awana Store Night


1/4 -

1/11 - Blizzard Blowout

1/18 -

1/25 - Family Night - Bring a family member to club with you!



2/1 –

2/8 - Dot Your Leaders Night

2/15 - Give Your Heart to Jesus

2/22 -


March – Grand Prix car kits go on sale!

3/1 -

3/8 - Crazy Hat Night (Be creative & crazy!)

3/15 -

3/22 -

3/29 - No Club - Happy Spring Break!



4/5 - Grand Prix

4/12 -

4/19 -

4/26 - possible Reward Night



5/3 - Awards Night/Last Night of Club

5/10 - Leadership Banquet


4 Quarters

1st - August 10 – October 5

2nd - October 12 – December 7

3rd - December 14 – February 15

4th - February 22 – April 26

May 4 - Awards Night


Attendance Awards given based on quarterly attendance for Club year, and based on half-year for Sunday School. 


Total of 33 Club Meetings this year plus Awards Night. 



Thousands of churches overseas see Awana as an extremely effective means for leading kids and families to Jesus Christ.  There are many more that can't afford to start and run clubs.  Thanks to your support . . .


Kids will encounter the Savior; lives will be transformed; the Great Commission will be fulfilled; and your view of missions and the world will be radically changed.  


Awards for Adopt-a-Club

There are four patches covering up to four years of participation in Adopt-a-Club.  The red patch is the first-year award.  Blue is for the second year, green is the third-year award, and yellow is for the fourth year.  Clubbers will "start over" with the award emblem series as they move into each new Awana program and corresponding uniform. 


Clubbers receive a Coin Card to fill up with 20 quarters.  We encourage you to have your clubber “earn” the money by doing helpful things around your house, a family member’s, or neighbor’s. 





Awana Grand Prix

Our annual Grand Prix is held in the spring.  Registration for the race is $5 and kids receive their car kit at that time.  We would like to offer at least 1 pit day prior to the Grand Prix if we have any interest in that.  (Please speak to your Awana leader or Commander about that.)


From design, to cutting, painting, and testing, Parents can help clubbers prepare their car (but we ask that you let them do most of the work).  This event will take place on a Wednesday evening during Awana.  Before racing, the cars must be checked for weight, height and length.  Arrive early (6:00 pm) to get checked in.  We’ll send home more details as the time gets closer.  Family and friends are encouraged to attend this exciting race event! 


Take it to Heart Award

Memorizing Scripture is one of the great challenges and joys of the Christian faith.  Take it to Heart, our Scripture memory program for adults in your church, can help you meet that challenge . . . and send your faith soaring.  By participating, you will unite around a common cause by joining adults across the globe and you will grow spiritually.  You will also earn a special Take it to Heart achievement pin. 


With its flexible schedule, Take it to Heart will help you attain a lifetime of rewards in just a few minutes a day.  Some of the passages we have done include:  Isaiah 53; Ephesians 2:1-13; I Corinthians 13; Ephesians 6:1-19; Philippians 4:1-13. 

Will you accept the challenge and “take the plunge”? 


Awana Games and Sparks-a-Rama

These are once-a-year events where our clubbers go to compete and have fun with other Awana clubs in our area.  Our events have been held at Tri-Cities Christian Academy in the past.  Admission is free if you wear your uniform.  Lots of fun and excitement for all who participate and it’s a great way to see the Awana games run in a larger format.  If your clubber qualifies, it’s a wonderful event for them to attend. 


Sparks-A-Rama is a fun day for children in kindergarten to 2nd grade in which they compete in 6 athletic games on the Awana game circle. 


Awana Games is a fun day for children in 3rd to 6th grade in which they compete in 10 athletic games on the Awana game circle.  We will have Games Training times, which will be required for all team players to go over games and check out any rule changes as well as a time to get coaches trained for the upcoming events. 


Awana Award Night

This is a celebration for all children in all the clubs, a night when you get to see what was accomplished during the club year.  Those clubbers from all groups who complete handbooks during the club year will receive their awards on this special night.  More information and details will follow as the date approaches. 


Awana Scholarship Camp

Is a summer Christian camping program.  During the 7 days of camp, teens will effectively bring to a climax their entire year of study in the Word of God.  In the quiet atmosphere of camp, the Spirit of God works again and again in unique ways.  Because Awana Scholarship campers have been involved in Awana clubs for several years, most have already accepted Christ as their personal Savior, and the motivation for Spiritual growth is very high. 


Eligibility to attend Scholarship Camp requires earning an Excellence Award (which is 2 Handbooks).  The first-time camper must also be entering 6th grade (or higher) in the fall and be age 10 by the first day of camp.  Returning Campers should have completed the 6th grade and one additional handbook since they attended camp the previous time.  Camp costs are $290 which include t-shirt, activities, and awards. 



The PURPOSE of Indian Springs Baptist church is: 


To bring people to Jesus and membership in his family, develop them to Christ-like maturity, and equip them for their ministry in the church and life mission in the world, in order to magnify God's name. 


The OBJECTIVES of Indian Springs Baptist Church by which we will achieve our Purpose are: 


1.       To be a dynamic, spiritual body of believers empowered by the Holy Spirit to share Christ with people in our church, community, and throughout the world. 

2.       To be a worshipping fellowship, experiencing an awareness of God, recognizing His person, and responding in obedience to His leadership. 

3.       To experience a growing and meaningful fellowship with God and fellow believers. 

4.       To help people experience a growing knowledge of God and other people. 

5.       To be a church which ministers unselfishly to persons in the community and the world in Jesus' name. 

6.       To be a church whose members are Christ-like in daily living by emphasizing total commitment of life, personality, and possessions to the lordship of Christ. 


We are affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention and have many Children’s ministries as well as Youth and Adult ministries to help meet the needs of the community.  If you would like more information, you can contact the church office (423-323-2187) or visit the church web site at 



We invite you to attend our services:


Sunday Mornings: 

9:15 – for Sunday School

10:45 – for Sunday morning worship


Sunday Evenings: 

4:30 – Mime Team & Puppet Team practice

5:15 – Youth Choir & Orchestra Practice

5:30 – Discipleship Classes

6:30 – Evening Worship

6:30 – Graded Children’s Choirs


Wednesday Evenings:  

5:00 - 6:00 – Fellowship meal (by reservation only-contact the church office)

6:15 – Awana Club open for Clubbers to arrive

6:30 - 8:00 – Awana Club

6:30 - 7:30 – Prayer Meeting in the New Sanctuary building

6:45 – Choir Practice

7:30 – Orchestra Practice

*If you play an instrument or love to sing, we would welcome you into our music program. We also have two handbell choirs, a Praise team, a Bluegrass band, and other opportunities. Contact our Minister of Music for more information. 



Contact Information


Church Office – 423-323-2187


Minister of Children –Jeralyn Collins ,

Minister of Music – Mike Morgan,

Minister of Youth and Education – Tiger Brooks,

Secretary – Pam Curtis,

Financial Secretary – Linda Patterson,

Church Administrator – Joel Brister ,

Pastor – Dr. Roc Collins



Mailing Address: Indian Springs Baptist Church

                            325 Hill Road

                            Kingsport, TN 37664







Parent Quiz


What is the earliest time that I can drop off my child? _______________


What is the age group of my clubber called? ______________________


How many sections should my clubber pass each week in order to complete one handbook in the year? ____________________________


What is one way for my clubber to earn points?  ___________________


List one “theme night” for this coming year.  _______________________


How will you find out news about club?  __________________________



Please sign this and return it to the Awana Secretary or to your child’s Director for extra points.



Thanks! And we hope you have a great Awana club year!